Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Miracle of the Incarnation

Wayne Grudem concludes his discussion of the incarnation of Christ with the following:

“It is by far the most amazing miracle of the entire Bible – far more amazing than the resurrection and more amazing even than the creation of the universe. The fact that the infinite, omnipotent, eternal Son of God could become man and join himself to a human nature forever, so that infinite God became one person with finite man, will remain for eternity the most profound miracle and the most profound mystery in all the universe.”

Bible Doctrine, 246

Monday, November 26, 2007

Incarnation and the Gospel

“This one person was, therefore, able to suffer and bear the penalty of man’s transgression, because, being of man’s nature, he could become man’s representative, and could also endure such suffering as could be inflicted upon man; yet, being God, he could give a value to such suffering, which would make it equivalent, not to one man’s penalty, but to that of the whole race.” [James P. Boyce, Abstract of Systematic Theology (Charleston: Southern Baptist Publication Society, 1887), 291.]

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Virgin Birth

“…the virgin birth is a sign of God’s judgment on human nature. The race needs a redeemer, but cannot produce one: not by its own decision or desire, not by the processes of education and civilization, not as a precipitate of its own evolution. The redeemer must come from outside. Here, as elsewhere, ‘all things are of God.’ He provides the lamb (Gen 22:8).” [Donald Macleod, The Person of Christ (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1998), 37.]

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Powlison on the Gospel

The Gospel is better than unconditional love. The Gospel says, “God accepts you just as Christ is. God has ‘contra-conditional’ love for you.” Christ bears the curse you deserve. Christ is fully pleasing to the Father and gives you His own perfect goodness. Christ reigns in power, making you the Father’s child and coming close to you to begin to change what is unacceptable to God about you. God never accepts me “as I am.” He accepts me “as I am in Jesus Christ.” The center of gravity is different. The true Gospel does not allow God’s love to be sucked into the vortex of the soul’s lust for acceptability and worth in and of itself. Rather, it radically de-centers people to look outside themselves.

–David Powlison

Monday, November 05, 2007


"Wisdom in Scripture means choosing the best and noblest end at which to aim, along with the most appropriate and effective means to it."

— J.I. Packer, Concise Theology, 48