Saturday, July 03, 2004

Tozer on Worship

Today I want to leave a thought from AW Tozer, one of the great preachers of the first half of the twentieth century:

"It remains only to be said that worship as we have described it here is almost (though, thank God, not quite) a forgotten art in our day. For whatever we can say of modern Bible-believing Christians, it can hardly be denied that we are not remarkable for our spirit of worship. The gospel as preached by good men in our times may save souls, but it does not create worshipers.

Our meetings are characterized by cordiality, humor, affability, zeal and high animal spirits; but hardly anywhere do we find gatherings marked by the overshadowing presence of God. We manage to get along on correct doctrine, fast tunes, pleasing personalities and religious

How few, how pitifully few are the enraptured souls who languish for love of Christ...."

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