Thursday, January 06, 2005


The concept of divine providence is one that has been much debated in some circles in recent years, and in light of recent events, bears some reflection. Bruce Ware, in his book, God's Greater Glory, defines divine providence thus:

"God continually oversees and directs all things pertaining to the created order in such a way that 1) he preserves in existence and provides for the creation he has brought into being, and 2) he governs and reigns supremely over the entirety of the whole of creation in order to fulfill all of his intended purposes in it and through it."
(page 17)

God knows your circumstances (and those of every person). He knows the past, the present, and the future in full. He preserves His creation (including you and me) and fulfills His good purposes. The universe is NOT random, and stuff doesn't just happen. God has a plan and a purpose in all things that ultimately cannot be thwarted. This is what we have in mind when we say "God reigns."

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