Thursday, February 03, 2005


"Without solitude it is virtually impossible to live a spiritual life... We do not take the spiritual life seriously if we do no set aside some time to be with God and listen to him."

-- Henri Nouwen, quoted by Ruth Barton in Invitation to Solitude and Silence.

We often try to squeeze prayer into our day wherever it will fit - in the car, in the shower, on the go. And there's nothing wrong with praying like that. But that kind of prayer will not take us into the depths of relationship we desire with God. We need time alone with Him. In a famous passage from the Gospel of Mark (1:35), we read of Jesus:

"Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed."

What is your habit of prayer? Do you find it desirable to spend time in solitary prayer? Why or why not?

1 comment:

Donna said...

Alex, the times when I am dryest in my fellowship with the Lord is when I'm praying on the go all the time and not escaping to solitude to focus my whole self upon HIM. Unfortunately, I am weak in my prayers and this should not be. Since there is nothing more important than worshipping God and communing with Him in prayer, I'd best reevaluate my priorities.