Thursday, July 08, 2004

What is exalted

Today let's take just a moment to reflect on the opening of Psalm 138:

I will praise you, O LORD , with all my heart;
before the "gods" I will sing your praise.
I will bow down toward your holy temple
and will praise your name
for your love and your faithfulness,
for you have exalted above all things
your name and your word.

Today I'm struck by the idea that God has exalted above all things His Name and His Word. That's what matters most to God, that is what He calls us to similarly treasure and uphold in our lives. Why? Because everything else pales in comparison to the holiness and grandeur and glory of God.

What have you exalted above all things in your life? Relationships, money, sports, arts, school, family, career.... all good things, but all things that can often distract us from what is best. How do you know what is exalted most in your life? My suggestion is that we measure this not necessarily by what we say, but by what we do, where our thoughts dwell, that kind of thing. The Psalmist says he will praise God, even in the presence of idols, that he will bow down towards God. (Bowing down, as you know, represents humility and submission.... we don't like to submit.)

Do you exalt God above all things? Do you exalt His Word by giving time to it and submitting to it? Do you exalt God in your life even in the midst of distractions and even opposition? Do you exalt His name in your relationships, at work, at school, in your family? What would it look like if we did?

1 comment:

David Stauffer said...

Another great indicator of what I'm exalting in my own life is where, and on what I spend two things. My time and my money. Both are hard to examine honestly, and easy to justify, but they are suprisingly accurate.